Crystal Tester
This circuit enables you to test
quartz resonators at the range
values from 32kHz to 24MHz.
Confirmation of good state of
quartz resonator is done by diode signalling LED and
acoustic signal. Switch
Parts List
R1,R7 = 1 M
R2,R3 = 5,6 k
R4 = 220 K
R5 = 1 k
R6 = 220
C1,C2 = 220 pF
C3,C4 = 10 F/25V RSM
C5 = 100 nF
C6,C7 = 33 pF
D1 = LED 5 mm, yellow
D2 = 1N4148
T1 = BC547C
IO1 = 4060
IO2 = 74HC4060
IO3 = 78L05
S1 = push button (normally open)
S2 = Two-positional switch
Title: Crystal Tester
electronic circuit
Published on: 2005-02-10
Reads: 1854
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