Ultra-simple Voltage Probe
Detects 1.8 to 220 Volts DC or AC
Minimum parts counting
D1________5 or 3mm. Red LED
D2________5 or 3mm. Green or Yellow LED
LP1_______220V 6W Filament Lamp
P1________Red Probe
P2________Black Probe
Device purpose:
This circuit is not a novelty, but it proved so useful, simple and cheap that
it's worth building.
When the positive (Red) probe is connected to a DC positive voltage and the
Black probe to the negative, the Red LED illuminates.
Reversing polarities the Green LED illuminates.
Connecting the probes to an AC source both LEDs go on.
The lamp limits the LEDs current to 40mA @ 220V AC and its filament starts
illuminating from approx. 30V, shining more brightly as voltage increases.
Therefore, due to the lamp's filament behaviour, any voltage in the 1.8 to 220
Volts range can be detected without changing component values.
Note: A two colors LED (Red and Green) can be used in place of D1 & D2.
Title: Ultra-simple Voltage Probe
electronic circuit
Source: www.redcircuits.com
Published on: 2005-02-10
Reads: 564
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