Intercommunication (Intercom)
Electronic Schematics > Miscellaneous > Intercommunication (Intercom)

This is a great intercom circuit that can be used in many ways. It uses 22V to operate and maybe it will work at a lower voltage (you can try it). For input/output it uses a loundspeaker (20-45 Ohm) on each side.


Click to enlarge


Componets Layout




Parts List

R1: 2,2 M   C6: 200uF/40V
R2: 10 Ohm    IC1: PA234
R3,R6: 100K    LS1,2: 20-45 Ohm
R4: 22K   T1: 2N3391 (BC383)
R5: 1M   P1: 5K
C1: 0,2uF   S1: SW-DPDT *
C2: 0,02uF    
C3: 0,001uF    
C4: 0,05uF    
C5: 100uF/40V    


See here how the SW should be. See also the large theoritical image.

Title: Intercommunication (Intercom)
electronic circuit
Published on: 2005-02-10
Reads: 1098
Print version: Print version

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Electronic circuits > Miscellaneous > Intercommunication (Intercom)