FM Transmitter Bug
Application Notes:
This small transmitter uses a hartley type oscillator. Normally the capacitor in
the tank circuit would connect at the base of the transistor, but at VHF the
base emitter capacitance of the transistor acts as a short circuit, so in effect,
it still is. The coil is four turns of 18swg wire wound around a quarter inch
former. The aerial tap is about one and a half turns from the supply end. Audio
sensitivity is very good when used with an ECM type microphone insert. David's
email :
Title: FM Transmitter Bug
electronic circuit
Published on: 2005-02-03
Reads: 1779
Print version:
Other electronic circuits and schematics from RF circuit
Simple Op-Amp Radio
20dB VHF Amplifier
4W FM Transmitter
Linear FM 30Watt
Field Strength Meter
AM To FM converter
60W Linear amplifier
Low Distortion Crystal Oscillator
Coilless FM transmitter
TV Signal Amplifier