FM voice transmitter for Band 2 VHF
A small FM voice transmitter for Band 2 VHF
Circuit of FM voice transmitter for Band 2 VHF
Notes:This small transmitter uses a hartley type oscillator. Normally the capacitor in the tank circuit would connect at the base of the transistor, but at VHF the base emitter capacitance of the transistor acts as a short circuit, so in effect, it still is. The coil is four turns of 18swg wire wound around a quarter inch former. The aerial tap is about one and a half turns from the supply end. Audio sensitivity is very good when used with an ECM type microphone insert.
Circuit : David Sayles
Email: All enquiries via
Title: FM voice transmitter for Band 2 VHF
electronic circuit
Source: unknown
Published on: 2006-01-15
Reads: 1703
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