Flashy Christmas Lights
This simple and inexpensive circuit built around a popular CMOS hex inverter
IC CD4069UB offers four sequential switching outputs that may be used to control
200 LEDs (50 LEDs per channel), driven directly from mains supply. Input supply
of 230V AC is rectified by the bridge rectifiers D1 to D4. After fullwave
rectification, the average output voltage of about 6 volts is obtained across
the filter comprising capacitor C1 and resistor R5. This supply energises IC
All gates (N1-N6) of the inverter have been utilised here. Gates N1 to N4 have
been used to control four high voltage transistors T1 to T4 (2N3440 or 2N3439)
which in turn drive four channels of 50 LEDs each through current limiting
resistors of 10-kilo-o Base drive of transistors can be adjusted with the help
of 10-kilo-ohm pots provided in their paths. Remaining two gates (N5 and N6)
form a low frequency oscillator. The frequency of this oscillator can be changed
through pot VR1. When pot VR1 is adjusted To get the best results, a low
leakage, good quality capacitor must be used for the timing capacitor C2.
Title: Flashy Christmas Lights
electronic circuit
Source: www.electronic-circuits-diagrams.com
Published on: 2005-02-01
Reads: 719
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